Timothy R. Billiar教授做客赢润生物

2011年8月24日下午,美国匹兹堡大学医学中心外科系主任Timothy R. Billiar教授来访赢润生物,并听取了赢润生物基于多元固化一氧化氮技术研制抗脑中风纳米新药等方面研究工作的最新报告。Timothy R. Billiar教授肯定了赢润生物在此研究项目中做出的成果,并对项目的发展方向提出了建设性意见。双方就一氧化氮技术的应用及发展方向进行了进一步交流,并表示希望以后能在此领域有所合作。

Timothy R. Billiar教授做客赢润生物

George Vance Foster Professor and Chair, Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences

Timothy R. Billiar, M.D., has served as the George Vance Foster Professor and Chair in the Department of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine since 1999. He received his medical degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Dr. Billiar completed his surgical residency at theUniversityofMinnesotaand theUniversityofPittsburgh. In 1992, he was named the first Samuel P. Harbison Endowed Assistant Professor of Surgery and in 1997 was named the Watson Professor of Surgery.

Dr. Billiar has been recognized with membership in theInstituteofMedicineand the National Academy of Sciences. He received the Flance-Karl Award from the American Surgical Association. He previously served as president of the Society of University Surgeons, the Surgical Infection Society and the International Nitric Oxide Society. He also served on the Surgery Anesthesia Trauma Study Section of the National Institutes of Health and currently serves on the Surgery Residency Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.

Dr. Billiar’s laboratory is funded in a number of areas. The main research focus is on studying the immune response to injury and shock. His laboratory is credited with initially cloning the human inducible nitric oxide synthase gene. Dr. Billiar’s work extends into areas of liver disease and innate immunity. His laboratory currently is funded by three NIH grants and he holds sevenU.S.patents associated with his research.