


该文章的通讯作者Olle Lindvall博士称,该研究在基于干细胞治疗中风方面取得了重要成果,但是还需要更多的研究才能确定该研究的临床意义。



Zaal Kokaia博士称,采用该方法我们已经能够产生和大脑皮层中性质一致的神经元,而且我们也显示了这些神经元也是有功能的。不过需要解决的问题是要找到一种能够大量产生神经元的方法,这对移植手术很必要。

Zaal Kokaia博士补充道,我们必须要研究移植的神经元对大脑其他功能的影响,以及新神经元与其他神经元的整合程度等诸多问题。 

Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurons integrate in stroke-injured cortex and improve functional recovery

Tornero D, Wattananit S, Gronning Madsen M, Koch P, Wood J, Tatarishvili J, Mine Y, Ge R, Monni E, Devaraju K, Hevner RF, Brüstle O, Lindvall O, Kokaia Z.

Stem cell-based approaches to restore function after stroke through replacement of dead neurons require the generation of specific neuronal subtypes. Loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex is a major cause of stroke-induced neurological deficits in adult humans. Reprogramming of adult human somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells is a novel approach to produce patient-specific cells for autologous transplantation. Whether such cells can be converted to functional cortical neurons that survive and give rise to behavioural recovery after transplantation in the stroke-injured cerebral cortex is not known. We have generated progenitors in vitro, expressing specific cortical markers and giving rise to functional neurons, from long-term self-renewing neuroepithelial-like stem cells, produced from adult human fibroblast-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. At 2 months after transplantation into the stroke-damaged rat cortex, the cortically fated cells showed less proliferation and more efficient conversion to mature neurons with morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics of a cortical phenotype and higher axonal projection density as compared with non-fated cells. Pyramidal morphology and localization of the cells expressing the cortex-specific marker TBR1 in a certain layered pattern provided further evidence supporting the cortical phenotype of the fated, grafted cells, and electrophysiological recordings demonstrated their functionality. Both fated and non-fated cell-transplanted groups showed bilateral recovery of the impaired function in the stepping test compared with vehicle-injected animals. The behavioural improvement at this early time point was most likely not due to neuronal replacement and reconstruction of circuitry. At 5 months after stroke in immunocompromised rats, there was no tumour formation and the grafted cells exhibited electrophysiological properties of mature neurons with evidence of integration in host circuitry. Our findings show, for the first time, that human skin-derived induced pluripotent stem cells can be differentiated to cortical neuronal progenitors, which survive, differentiate to functional neurons and improve neurological outcome after intracortical implantation in a rat stroke model.
